Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Acupressure in Hove
Daniel Scott BA, BSc, MSc Lic.Ac MBAcC. MRCHM Daniel holds a degree in Fine Art, a degree in Acupuncture, a Masters degree in Chinese Herbal Medicine and a diploma in Tui Na massage. He now teaches acupuncture techniques and clinical skills at ...
Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Tai Chi in Brighton
I am trained in all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, massage, cupping, moxibustion and dietry advice. I also teach tai chi and qi gong. I use all of these tools to bring about a state of balance within the body and rest...
Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Qigong in South Croydon
I started the practice as a way to utilise Eastern philosophy and medicine as a practical way to help people. We live in an age of relative abundance (at least in this country) but still there are May conditions that are not easily helped by conventi...